Sunday, August 30, 2009

Case of the week - Ear problems and ear mites

Ear problems seems to be the health issue most home treated before calling our clinic. All kinds of oils, alcohols, pet store drops, and flushes are tried - then we are called. The biggest goof is most people think ear mites. I do commonly see ear mites, but two problems. The over the counter medications are basically worthless and 99% of the time it is not ear mites anyway.
Almost all my ear mite cases are in cats, with 90% of those either kittens or strays. Very rare in dogs, especially adult dogs..
So, what to do? See your Veterinarian and get a correct diagnosis and treatment. Old topicals in the ear are out dated and rarely clear the problem totally. My favorite is Advantage Multi, but Revolution is good too and can be used at a younger age.
Next time I will chat on other ear problems which I see every day.